
PUSH TO CURE>>>will try do anything for titties!

bruszha posted,

I'm busy with other shit now BUT if the push guys are serious, I'll see what I can do getting the 15' barbie borrowed and the VW van out of storage for that weekend. No promisses yet but pump it up more and have some more definate dates and plans etc. for me to work with...lots of favours my side to ask to get this done...Wheres Ben? someone in touch with him? time to come home are needed here for this! Teddi this would be a good event for you to come to. You can bust the Hi-Fin in all the way. aloha!

2008 August 10 2:06 PM

Raggies Mom replied,

Hey Brad!!!! That would be so great!!! Ben is paragliding across BC at the moment and Carlos is hitting the road beneath him. I talked to Carlos a while ago and he said he is stoked to see this go in October again so I promised to get started and make sure things were on the go when he is done with the flyin gig. He's with Ben so I am hoping they are both "on board" when they get done the end of this month.

2008 August 10 9:20 PM

Dubius replied,

!yes, bring out the BBQ!

2008 August 11 12:27 PM