

cApT nEmO posted,

1st tony greaves, 2nd scoot, 3rd Hollywood

2011 November 12 6:19 PM

cApT nEmO replied,

Hoodie took 4th and it was close for pink slips
with Stumanchu, but hoodie got his board.
And everyone says ZAK you suck cause you
were here and never showed, fucking pussy, but
we want you to .still come to the party if your on
the coast, over all it was fun loads of beer to
drink on the f- bomb

2011 November 12 6:49 PM

heidi... replied,

Nah...he is just fine! Dislocated his
shoulder and was back for the party.
Fun Times...Thanks Boys!!! :)

2011 November 14 11:08 PM