
Attention coast admin

Pacman posted,

Thanks for getting rid is spam bots! But we now have
another issue, spam groms!! They post thier stupid
drama and opinions about there little from friends or
enemies behind an elusive blank space where their
name should be, I have seen several treads 'Sam is a
fag' or so and so sucks. Etc.. I think coast might need
actual accounts, and/or thread monitors who delete
stupid opinionated threads, apparently righting your
name Is too hard for some of the young riders,

Thanks in advance! Donny j

2011 November 18 6:32 PM


BRICIN! READ THIS! this site is turning
into a huge shit show, step up and take
your role as admin and delete this shitty

2011 November 18 7:05 PM

tyler replied,

hes got his own child to look after and he doesnt give a fuck anyways

2011 November 18 7:54 PM