
Scammed out of $130 by Brendan Armstrong

Tdinh posted,

This kid had a posting up of a Killswitch in the condition
9.5/10 for $130 as he claimed. I emailed him and asked
how the nose were since it was taped up and if there was
any damages. I got and email back, saying its not damaged,
the noses are fine. After I got home, unraveled the nose, I
discovered it's damaged... The nose has a chunk smashed
in, a crack over the mounting holes and is starting to delam.
I thought oh its not that bad, then I look and see that it's
warped to fuck. The base plates cant even stay flat to the
board. On the ground, its lopsided, one side of the board is
higher than the other at least by an inch.

I emailed him the night of the purchase and made the claim,
I didnt call him out on selling me a mis-leading board but
just to ask for a return. That was Dec 21, then today he
replys "Sorry no returns its a cash sale". WTF dude, you sold
me a board that you claimed was in 9.5/10 condition and I
get it damaged and warped? I can understand why no
returns if I didn't like it, but its FUCKING FUCKED UP.

Hopefully every one sees this and can help me get my
money back. Im a university student so money is always
scarce, and opportunity of getting new gear is rare.

2011 December 23 6:18 PM

english replied,

buy new and avoid this problem. or inspect the product before you give money. Or request pictures of the whole thing before sending money.

you're the one that fucked up.

sure the seller's a prick too....

2011 December 25 7:20 PM