
west 4th nights anyone?

eddie posted,

Anyone wanna hit west 4th?? Probably around 11:30pm for a few laps. I live in UBC I can probably give you a ride if you live sort of near by, down to ride pretty much any day.

or yeah if anyone wants to hit NW marine during the day give me a shout.

Beginners welcome!! they are both 60kmh hills bring helmet and gloves!

2012 July 5 2:29 PM

speedfreak replied,

hey man give me a text! i live on 4th and bomb all the time.
six zero four 928 nine 9 four 3

also my buddy and me bomb nw all the time, havn't seen anyone there. we shoudl bomb sometime man

2012 July 6 1:39 AM

Noah replied,

great hill! Due to a freak turn of events I ended up
racing and beating a #99 bus down to Broadway a
couple days ago on a carless day

2012 July 12 1:05 AM