
room 4 rent with miniramp

brian of chilliwack posted,

speaking of room for rent one of my roommates just gave his notice he'll be out on feb first so if anyone wants to live in chilliwack call me ... and i'm building a half pipe in the livingroon it should be ready before feb . your not renting a room , your buying a lifestyle call 604 792 2226 for more details

2008 January 3 1:51 AM

shaner replied,

"your not renting a room , your buying a lifestyle"


2008 January 4 2:19 AM

skatie katie replied,

haha mike!
our ramp will be better, that is if we ever stop talkin about the damn thing and actually do it. house meeting...lets set a date to do some leveling like now. and by now i mean september when we wanted to do it in the first place ;)

i still think the mini in the kitchen would be super fun

2008 January 4 3:36 PM

Green Like Limes replied,

Dropping into your living room is a good start to the day

2009 March 4 1:05 PM