
Ditch Slap '08

GI Joe posted,

Remember what happened last time I posted those words here?? The spambots took it over!! Oh well, here goes:

Ditch Slap will be held from May 1st to May 4th 2008. The Indian School Invitational and Ditch Slap '08 will NOT be held in conjunction with each other for many reasons. The few "Elite" Indian School invitees and their race organizers need to FOCUS with minimal distraction to be able to pull off their race successfully, in one shot.

Ditch Slap on the other hand will last at least 4 days, be very diverse with venues all over Albuquqerque, including 3 Banked Slalom races, the Chinese Ditch race, a Crosstown race, suprise races and jams and endless shuttles provided for all participants. Basically one GIANT distraction for the masses!!

Details will be posted soon on the ncdsa Contest Calendar and here.

2008 January 5 3:37 PM

David Price replied,

stoked!i really hope some of you canooks can make it down here. i know a bunch of you guys bailed last year, k-rimes, shnate, others, so you better make it down this year. don't worry we'll find places for you guys to crash. and remember Joe keeps you guys very very safe.

JimZ, help us out, get some more BC's out here! and don't forget jody!

2008 January 5 9:33 PM

Jimmy Flindt replied,


2008 January 7 9:03 AM

Robskey replied,

Yea I want to find a cheap way to pull it off too. Josh
Burt has convinced me to go, but I can't afford it right
now either. I will keep trying to find a way!

2008 January 7 11:03 PM

shawn replied,

if i got the bills and the leg knuckle is in good shape i will be there for sure.

2008 January 7 11:07 PM

Jon Huey replied,

At this link, there is a photo of Will Brunson riding these ABQ ditches. This event is definitely worth it. Save your money!

I'll be there. I am going to try to make it to both! I'm pretty sure Dennis the Mennis won't be able to do both.

2008 January 11 10:21 PM

shnitz replied,

hey PRICE!!!! anyone who says they're a real skater usually can pull off a fakie rock and roll!!!!!! ha ha ha ha!!

slappity slap!!! dunno if im affording this or not this year.... need some contracts soon if im going! gotta keep this CNC busy!


2008 January 13 11:47 AM