
BBQ BIKEING REV & Danger Bay Strike Pot Laws Down

Reverend Ryan posted,

Hey ther this is Reverend Ryan "Big P" Poelzer from the Church of the Universe ( )we use cannabis as sacrament the "Tree of Life" as read in the bible "Revalations 22" .This summer while we were on route to perform cermony for Danger Bay and Danger Bay partakers, as you may have herd I and my wife Cassandra wer stoped On the way off the ferry by 2 RCMP Officers and kept in the back of a cop car for over 5 hours ,then wer charged with "possesion of marijuana under section 4 of the (cdsa)". this was on the friday afternoon before danger bay this year.
Check out this news article from the coast reporter done friday. Danger Bay may have helped change cannabis possesion laws
(copy and paste)

2008 January 18 11:03 PM

sparky replied,

i bought a huge bag from you for 10 bucks because you didn't want to carry it back off the ferry from one of the early DB's, hahaha!!!!!!!! i remember BIG P!!!...he was scared!!!!!!...hahahaha, I loved that huge bag for only 10 bucks!!!!!hahahaha

2008 January 19 9:08 AM