
NBC will be covering MARYHILL 08!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anton Milioti posted,

Not only will FoS 08 be one of the bigest downhill events of
all time, NBC will be covering the race! i just read this in my
new Concrete Wave.

this coverage really could make longboarding EXPLODE in

im STOKED AS HELL! i can't wait to see you all there!

2008 January 20 7:06 PM

Shaner replied,

Well, it would be cool to have more specators there for sure! How about a big screen at the bottom linked to cameras on the course. make it much more fun to watch. Man, it would be cool to see that happen.

2008 January 20 7:17 PM

Robskey replied,

Yea my bad 11:30am it was, didn't think it was really about speed, more positive representation of the sport focusing on the pure concentration of riding close together into corners reading others lines. All in all it will be good for the sport separating it from mainstream negativity of skateboarding, lets hope. Congrats Scoot, you rock!

2008 October 11 10:36 PM