
Seismic Speedvents

James posted,

hey i was just looking for somenew wheels, and i was wondering if anyone has tried the Seismic Speedvents 85mm, im looking for something grippy, that doesn't slide. theses wheels seem pretty good for downhill. ive looked at the big zigs but they are too expensive, and i want something bigger and faster. any imput would be great
thnx, james

2008 February 17 2:45 PM

the sturgeon replied,

You're kidding about the price thing, right? Speed vents are $76 at rayne and that's probably the cheapest you'll find them for. Big zigs are $64 so...I don't know how you came to the conclusion that they're more expensive.

2008 February 17 3:00 PM

r-sore replied,

the 85mm vents aren't very grippy. Their shape doesn't allow the wheel to deform much to grip the road.

2008 February 17 4:33 PM