
15 Minute Maryhill Vid

Mike posted,

Theres a 15 minute long vid from the Festival of Speed last year thats running on Silverfish today! Fuckin killer vid!

?? to do this??

2008 February 20 12:03 PM

Marcus Rietema replied,

I am so stoked with the job that Orangefist Productions did on the 2007 Maryhill Festival of Speed video. It's definitely one of the best videos I've ever seen on downhill skateboarding and does a fantastic job of catching the vibe and stoke of the sport. Thank you Marc McCrudden for doing such and incredible job!!!

2008 February 20 1:54 PM

philet- the sturgeon replied,

aaaaaaaaaaahhh sick. hope i can make this we all are.

2008 February 20 10:30 PM

Kenny B replied,

yah its a sick video i cant wait to go to the next one... and my boy Dylan G. is in that video pretty damn sick! STOKED!!!

2008 February 21 1:23 PM