
next adventure sticker wanted

brian in chilliwack posted,

i jsut attached 2 fuel tanks onto my bike . i'll have about a 500 km range now. that means i can make it all the way through the middle of nowhere and deep into the back of nowhere . and i'm doing a fiew other things to it to recreational vehical the shit out of it and i was jsut wondering if anyone had a next adventure sticker i can slap onto the cargo box. thanks coast family

2008 April 4 8:50 PM

radish replied,

metal-flake jumping salmon. i think they come in three sizes..

2008 April 4 9:20 PM

Robskey replied,

Yea Brian, I have a ton of them. They are a local shop in Portland that sells Eastside boards. Just send me your address and I'll send you a few. Rigg sounds killer!

2008 April 4 10:19 PM