
*Live Tibet - Screw The Olympics*

DanPape posted,

Finally!!! China's disgrace is coming to the world stage. I, personally, am very pleased to see the demonstrations televised internationally!! It's about time the Tibetan people are free. Hope others realize the persecution these peaceful people have suffered for the past 50 years.

Long Live Tibet.

2008 April 7 1:08 PM

Allwright replied,

I agree Pape...!!!!

2008 April 7 2:29 PM

Gumby replied,

I find it funny how the IOC, China , and other athletic organizations condemn the fact that the Olympics are a stage for protests....The Olympics is a huge political tool; why else would they have chosen China if not to bring international exposure and I think that the IOC should continue to use its Olympic sites to build democracy. A boycott would pressure China into making some kinds of concessions even if they are not all encompassing; its still progress.

2008 April 8 5:16 PM

norm replied,

how about sending the worlds best and most promising athletes to the worst polluted country in the world. world class runners coming back with smokers coughs. how about not stopping putting lead in childrens toys. china doesnt deserve the olympics, but it is a good way to squeeze their balls and try to make them right their ways. it wont work, but its the best idea to deal with china i have heard of............

2008 April 9 11:53 PM