
K-Rimes taking a dump

Kludy posted,

Sure hope I can give you a hand full !
Dont like getting smoked , Ha !
Heard you where coming and hope you do.
Need a fire lit under me right now.
Happy to get too you see one more time. Your O.K. young buck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2008 April 23 8:41 PM

Kludy replied,

Haha, sorry.
Get too see you, not see you get , LOL
It is so on, I will race wide open this weekend. Got my board half together and may just ride saturday.
Need that high I get going 60 pmh , there is unthing like it.
I know at 46, I have tryed alot of stuff in my day, ha !!!!!!!!!!!!1

2008 April 23 8:53 PM