
New Boarder Here!

Jonny posted,

Hey i just started actually boarding (Carving/Bombing) around 3 weeks ago and i'm really getting into it.
Going to danger bay this year and stoked on it.

I just wanted to know if you guys got any pointers for the new guy.
I got gloves and a sweet road crew sweater for the night.

2008 April 26 5:09 PM

Andrew 'juX' Quay replied,

Ride, ride, and ride. Know your limits and don't push them too fast. Get some solid emergency slides down and wear a helmet. GO!!!

2008 April 26 6:23 PM

Tosh from Mission replied,

we gotta set up a sesh in the wack!
have a huge learning curve for a bunch of us

2008 April 27 5:22 PM