

K-Rimes posted,

Sorry I wasn't able to call before I left concerning operation
return stuff. I was ultra busy with getting all my stuff
together and didn't have the time. I'm down in Cali with
Jimmy now and he's all stoked and whatnot, and we're doing
rad. The vids are at my house, and if you call my house at
6oh4-7three6-o849 you can talk to my parents and grab
them if you're planning on shipping the stuff. The videos are
downstairs in the tv room in the Globe Shoes box they came
in and should be in moderately plain sight.

2008 April 28 12:46 AM

english replied,

that vid you showed me didn't even belong to you kevin? I want it! Can I call your parents and go into your tv room?

2008 April 28 4:47 AM