
My Evo set-up

Viking posted,

I'm putting together a new Evo and I just wanted to get some ideas and criticism on the plan.

Basically, it's an Evo Blacktree 2008 (has it changed since 2007?) on Seismic Blast Wave wheels. For the front truck, I'm running a RII 180 with a 42 degree baseplate, and for the back truck, I'm running an RII 180 hanger on a DH 60 degree baseplate to counter the 30 degree wedge of the Evo. I haven't figured out how to get 'em yet, but I'm going to run Khiros combo inset bushings on both ends...riding Randal's 95a bushings for now. Bearings by Biltin.

Looking for any positive advice on this set-up as I've never experimented with the Evo's angles before.

2008 May 8 7:07 PM

phil- the surgeon replied,

Just ride and figure out if YOU like it, not the internet.

2008 May 8 7:27 PM

mason replied,

it depends on wut kind of riding you are gonna do

2008 May 8 7:29 PM