
Green MEC Bag & 1/4 of my life

Jane Bateman posted,

I know my sister (Anne) already posted this but I just want ot put it out there that this bag is reallllllly important. It has my kids care cards in it (and Keegan's dinosaur shirt, which he's pretty fond of), my car & house keys (which are both too expensive for me to replace in the near future) and my work blackberry, I will have to replace this and they're really expensive so I'm really hoping that whoever took it from the lost and found and said they new who's it was and were going to return it to me, really know me and are planning to return it to me......please.....please......please.....
my number at work is 604-456-8081 (days) and home 604-742-2384 (nights). I really apreciate all the help I've had from the Danger Bay staff over the weekend looking for my bag, and if anybody has any info on where my bag might be, please feel free to give me a call too.


2008 May 20 12:34 PM

Bushman replied,

Hi Jane, i got your email and i replied to it. Only pack i got at the booth was the pink/grey one belonging to a girl from Comox.

2008 May 20 7:46 PM