

kylewein posted,

Hey going to shoot some DH action now, wondering if any
photographers out there know a good shutter speed to shoot

2008 May 25 6:26 PM


ask jon huey

2008 May 25 6:30 PM

phil-the surgeon replied,

Depends on how much light there is and try to use the fastest shutter speed possible without being underexposed.


2008 May 25 6:44 PM

Mike Lewis replied,

i use a panasonic lumic DMC-TZ3. there are alot better cameras out there than what i have. but its not the camera that gets good pictures, its the photographer. to get the best pictures, you have to take alot of photos. the more photos you take, the better the chances are that you'll get a sick pic.

2008 May 26 10:42 AM