
SCOOT! I need a favor!

Danny Connor posted,

Dude, my jacket got left behind from DB and I guess it's at the oak tree market, or whatever that place is called. That's what the lost and found thread DID say. Anyhow, it's a tan/very light brown "DRI-DUCK" brand work Jacket, sz xl. Could you stop by and see if they still have it, and if they do, snatch it up and bring it to Vernon? That'd be awesome bro. Call me or e-mail me and let me know what the word is. Thanks dude! See you soon! I guess anyone else in that area that is coming could possibly help out too. DC(760)375-6555

2008 June 16 4:05 PM

ScooT replied,

Yep just saw this post danny. Msg board is fucked up haha. So i'll go there today and see if they have it

2008 June 17 10:44 AM