
Who needs a ride to Giants Head?

Awger posted,

I'm going to be leaving Friday after work (5pmish) and returning late sunday evening.

I'm renting a zip car for 3 days $75/day = $225 total, divided by 4 people is $55/person

This includes gas and insurance to rent the car,

Let me know if your interested, (first come first serve)

2008 June 18 2:43 PM

Louis replied,

I would be down but i don't land in Vancouver till 11:30 pm friday night. IF you are leaving after that let me know and i am in

2008 June 18 4:05 PM

BB replied,

Bump... Count me in!

2008 June 20 2:10 PM

louis replied,

2008 June 21 11:52 AM

Shrimpy - little guy replied,


2008 June 23 8:25 PM

BB replied,

I'm still down.. pitched almost the same last weekend..
WOOT! Giants head!! Woot!

2008 June 25 4:48 PM