
Old School Bike

Billy posted,

This is a little off topic, but I figured some of the longboarders out there might know where I can find or have one for sale.....I'm looking for a particular old school bike. I never had one as a kid, but they were everywhere. It was the old big (pre-mountain bike) black bike with shocks in the back and a huge big banana seat. It had a fake black plastic gas tank on it too and some big huge knobby tires. If any one knows about these bikes, has one for sale or could tell me some more info about them (like who made them...I'm thinking it was a Norco or something) let me know. Thanks

2008 June 23 3:33 PM

Allwirhgt replied,

HAHAHA OMG u just decribed my favorite bike i had when i was a kid!!!!!! I love it!! old school represent!!!!!

2008 June 23 11:41 PM

Killah replied,

Just a Heads up:

7th Annual Vancouver Vintage Bicycle Show and Swap Meet- This Sunday! - $2 (215 E.17th (Off Main St.) Vancouver)

If you don't find your bike here, you can talk to people who might know of one. PD is usually there too with a bunch of skate stuff!

2008 June 25 11:36 AM

evilE replied,

don't forget the gretzky rookie cards in the spokes to make that authentic motor sound

2008 June 26 8:11 PM