
Gas Prices

GORD0N posted,

high gas prices means less cars on the road means more safety for longboarders


2008 June 27 4:22 PM

mitch replied,

doubtfull im pretty sure just poor people dont drive anymore lol everyone else just complains abotu how expensive it is and still drives

2008 June 27 4:33 PM


Oh yes... skating cambie in rush hour, faster than cars... and saving money on gas.

2008 June 28 1:18 AM

Andrew...elphinstone.. replied,

I have to say that "white elephant" alternative fuel idea not so much...I believe it has to do with lack of interest and money more so. even most oil companies are exploring alternative fuels well not so much exxon but whatever. things such as Bio diesel, veg oil, electric, hydrogen, even propane is better then gasoline, governemts are supporting it, car companies are as well, theres now low speed electric trucks for around the city that emit no pollutants, in use, hybird taxis in van, electric buses used for eons, natural gas buses emit less pollutans and greenhouse gases , damn i could go on and on and as for gas prices now...go to fort mcmurray for a while, they make 35 an hour up thier as a labourer....on the rigs....theres lots of middle men between the gas and your car aswell, its kinda like a vicious circle, you know...anyhow, imma gonna go i've ranted enough, i hope this makes sense to people oh, and remember your skate wheels, remember there made from OIL and your bearing lube, and the the whole skate needed to be shipped, oil impregnated slide pucks...anyhooo

2008 June 30 2:39 AM


the masses won;t change in will get smaller, but the inrfrastucture thats inplace will remain the same, public transit is great for any city, but trucking, farming, lawnmowers, production...its alot more then people geting around....but meah, roll on

2008 June 30 4:36 AM


therefore the infrastructure will remain realtivly the same, and the same demands will be met.. its how the mechanisms work that will change drastically electric cars, hydrogen, hybrids, electric trucks..

2008 June 30 4:42 AM

elan replied,

next time u are watching the future shop commercial, look in the backround at one of the TVs. A longboard race is goin on. Haha srry for bein off subject.

2008 July 6 9:59 PM