
seawall cruise questions

Derek from Burnaby posted,

im new to organized longboarding, the most ive done is basically shredin with some buddys, and im really lookin forward to the seawall cruise. just wunderin like if their r any steep paches or like fast strips,cuz witout some i mite not come. plus ide like some sugestions on a good race to start on, im 13 and really exited to start geting in to coast longbordin, thanks guys

2008 July 3 2:15 PM

Derek from Burnaby replied,

also wonderin if i spray paint my griptape if itll fuck up my deck.(i wanna put the indian larry question mark on my bord)

2008 July 3 2:25 PM

Derek from Burnaby replied,

k thats sweet, just wunderin, ure right thoe, i just wanted to get some info on it

2008 July 3 3:45 PM

derek replied,

y wut hapend last yeer?

2008 July 3 7:54 PM

epresto replied,

just wondering if its the 7th of this month monday 4:20, please hit me back with correct time and date if incorrcet, also wondeing if any one has some old deck tucks and etc for sale, where a good place to by gear pads helmet and leathers, please help me save my brain

2008 July 4 2:22 AM