

Janet from Nanaimoo posted,

So, long story .. typical asshole police officer made me scared shittless with his gun on his hip, towering over me with his cop flashlight and loud voice, swearing at me telling me i've been watching too many American cop shows when i say he has no right to go through my backpack because we were simply walking across a parking lot. although i had disguised parofinelia xD we weren't on anything, or weren't planning to be. in the end, i showed him my pads and gloves and asked what he thought of them. after he drove off, he said some snutty asshole remark because he couldn't bust anyone's balls tonight and we parted ways. I just wanted to see who was correct there, what are my rights as far as bag searchs?

2008 July 6 3:23 AM

Big J replied,

I think you were right. wes probably knows the answer for sure.

2008 July 6 1:29 PM