
calling all cars... calling all cars.

Winklestein posted,

Green Like limes and I were down at the beach skimming on saturday and sombody jacked our skates. Mine was a bamboo Dingy with a black rising sun stencil on the bottom, a white mustache on the tail and three landyachtz stickers under the (clear)griptape in the middle. It also has three names written in random places around it (Anne, Betina, and Midget).

The board that Phillip lost was actally Hayato's. It was a V-lam bamboo comet board that had a jim phillips esq, alien brain drawing on the bottom, and a P.D.'s hotshop sticker by the back truck. It had bear grizzly's with white jim z bushings in the front and lots of risers all round.

2008 July 7 12:21 PM

kibbling replied,

fucking weak sauce. super super weak sauce! it was totally some punk ass west side kids, you should put a poster up in front of pds or something... miss you guys!

2008 July 7 1:06 PM