
Mission BC First [Video]

Jonny posted,

A video my friends and I put together today, with clips of some other times.

Hope you guys enjoy.
Positive criticism is welcomed.

If you go to youtube there a high def version.

2008 August 7 10:12 PM


OK here's some criticism: ZZZZZZ. By 1:30 I was bored as hell. Nothing's happening except two guys "bombing" a hill in some bland suburb at MAYBE 35kmh. Which might be fun to DO, but certainly not watch. If there's a crash or higher speeds or some other kind of serious action, get to it way before the 1 minute mark. If you don't have gnarly roads or big speeds with some super hot shit riders (and even a lot of THOSE vids get boring), then get creative. Show some weird spots or riding or other creative stuff that nobody else has or does. Grade: D-

2008 August 8 12:24 AM