
hey you hunter of deer(tedi)!!

Dubius posted,

hey ted, can i get my dragon back, i'm gettin slide wheels for it soonish call me 604.741.5937 (if you get the answering machien don't bother leaving a message, i can't remember the password to check them)

2008 August 10 12:31 AM

deerhunter replied,

Hey dooby your boards over at tina's. Im in sechelt boardless. Anybody got a downhill set up I could borrow or buy cheap??

2008 August 19 1:43 PM

Astro replied,

hey tedi its mike i might have a DH board you can use come talk to me sometime

2008 August 19 5:29 PM


hey bro, i'm on the coast and would love to ride, i met you at a bus stop, you were movin to van.....i have my evo and slide deck we could wip out, i'm down, and some dude just picked me up the other day and drove me up the hill, (you make the metal boards) come out aswell
post up
its raining tonight , but would love to slide sometime when its nicer out

2008 August 19 11:38 PM

andrew....elphinstone.. replied,

that was me above...

2008 August 19 11:39 PM