
Anyone up for some light dh in vernon???

quin finocchio posted,

hey im a 13 year old with not very many people to skate with, im not very good but skating with people would make things a whole lot funner.

2008 August 11 10:29 PM

Andrew replied,

You have any sliding gloves? if not make some, will help you tones when your just starting.

2008 August 11 11:23 PM

Speedy replied,

my only advice to you, is to giver everything you got until you crash hard. and then get up and keep given'er into the same corner you crashed on until you get it. :D

2008 August 12 1:41 PM

quin finocchio replied,

Pretty much what i do, me and the ditch are good friends.

and yeah i have slide gloves that are worn through...

2008 August 12 4:49 PM