
Race rash after creek daze!!

trevel posted,

Right after creek daze race, head to the rash for racing. 5 man heats, first 3 qualify, Fullface required, 10$ to enter Prize goes to top 3

2008 August 20 3:53 AM

Nhoj replied,

Fuck yeah! i been to the rash in like 8 months

2008 August 20 11:06 AM

andrew...elphinstone... replied,

fuck man, if i don't do this i'm going to regret it, so i guess i'm in, I know i sound like a pansy but does someone have leathers I can borrow for the rash, cause if i bail, i still need to be able to go to work....not to sure about the creek ...its early, and fuck why don't i just give the ten bucks to you or karl or gonna take it anyway....cheers

2008 August 20 8:29 PM

Astro replied,

andrew you can use mine again if u need i'll talk to u online

2008 August 20 10:34 PM