
regripping boards

gordon posted,

hey, i was wondering if anyone here has some experience with regripping boards. The grip on my board has faded and its getting to be a problem.

i was thinking of using a heat gun (used in autobody) to take the grip off, good/bad idea?

2008 August 28 1:59 PM


just get a craft razor blade and start prying a little of the grip tape off, once u have enough grip tape to pull on, just pull it off, it ususally comes off in a few big peices depending on how old it is

2008 August 28 3:25 PM

Andrew......elphinstone replied,

steal your sisters moms or emo friends blow dryer and do it up, heat guns are for paint, a blow dryer will work fine (just hold it close and let it cool of every once and a while)

2008 August 28 6:49 PM

ohoqhtr replied,

pCo2sD zrlchnkmbatl, [url=]miljbxjpkuoq[/url], [link=]dhohkpfqhsxy[/link],

2010 April 27 8:04 AM

J-Prime replied,

Bring your board down to landyachtz il grip it, and you dont need to bother with any of this nonsense.

2010 April 28 9:02 AM