
MARYHILL -What can we do to help fix it?

Quinn's mom posted,

Hey John,
Sorry that the shenanigans at the camp site ended up causing so much negativity with the people and powers that be in Goldendale. Sometimes people don't realize the repercussions of their actions and I am sure no longboarders (no matter what gang, team, crew or country they belong to)want to lose the opportunity to race at put on a great event and everyone must recognize the huge amount of effort it takes to coordinate it all and appreciate your efforts.

The people of Goldendale were amazing with all their support for the event and the racers and I'm sure the event was a welcome activity for them with the excitement it brought and the revenue it produced in the community. It's a shame that the event has been tarnished solely by the damages at the campground and I'm sure there must be a way for all of us to help you with making restitution to the community and the finances of Goldendale.
Let's all stop pointing fingers and laying blame and get on with making it right!


Who do we apologize to and add our appreciation for the community of Goldendale's efforts? (possibly yourself or Lorraine Reynolds could screen email apologies and then forward them to the people and politicians of Goldendale)

Where could we send $$$$ to help with the clean up efforts and costs? (Whoever ended up with the "pass the hat $$$" from Sat Night can then send that along as well if they haven't done so already.)

What else do you recommend we do?...thank you cards to all those nice pancake breakfast and dinner servers? Letters of apologies directly to the mayor?...Let's get on with the positive part of longboarding and clean up after ourselves...

2008 September 11 1:36 PM

Juan Pablo replied,

Erian, sounds like a good idea. Never hurts to say sorry and fix the mess. actually i'm with you with this idea. I know that your son Quinn will be one the best riders in the world and whatever it takes to make a better future for the grommets, i'll help.

2008 September 11 2:21 PM

EBasil replied,


We're working with the City to get a cost estimate for the damages and to set up a PayPal fund for skaters to participate in. When it's ready and done, we'll definitely ask Bricin to list it on this site, too. I'll keep the information updated on Silverfish to the best of our ability in the meantime.

What you probably know is that virtually everyone we all interacted with was stoked and supportive. There were a few bad encounters between skaters and local administrators, but none of that would have been a big deal or grounds for hurt feelings if the vandalism hadn't occured. Right now, folks in town are tacking photocopied pictures of damaged barns, trashed bathrooms and more... without even knowing that OTHER skaters spent hours cleaning up the messes, even before the photos were taken.

We are all much better than this. I don't know if we can make things all sunny and warm at Maryhill and Goldendale, but we can certainly come together to do what's right by them. Thanks out to those supporting the effort.

2008 September 11 3:01 PM

DanPape replied,

this is the type of Stand up thing we need more of.....thanks Erian!!!

2008 September 12 12:08 PM