
-----------paging JODY!

Qbert posted,

Jody, i heard you were looking for one of the original urban assaults, and well i found one, he called it a highway deck? or somthing, and he's from prince george. said he got it from you when you were teaching up there. i go to school with him down here in victoria. and he said you can have it if you want to trade him a flexy cruiser of some sort. so i thought i'd let you know.

2008 September 19 5:14 PM

shnitzel replied,

ya, probably interested.... and i got piles of flexy decks around... pressing 12 a day!!!

tell him to e-mail me, like to see pix to determine which one it is.

jawshnitzel @ hotmail


2008 September 19 6:23 PM