
Where can a newbie learn to skate?

Just another guy posted,

just getting into longboarding after trying,seems fun! what should i learn first?

2008 October 16 2:39 AM

phil - the OMGWTFBBQ replied,


Seriously. Stopping is just as, if not more important than pushing. Come out to the Saturday Sessions when they start up!

2008 October 16 2:54 AM


I started a couple months ago, it took me probly a
good 3 weeks to footbrake decently. The above post
is definetly spot on, it's mega important! I found the
best way to learn is to take it wherever you go.

2008 October 16 3:01 AM


now doing more research, i came up with a few more options: neversummer, or earthwing.

i looked at landy, and though id like to support my local company, they dont have any boards that really stand out. maybe cept the mummy

2008 October 16 4:41 PM

gumbyvancity replied,

The Avenger is a great starter board b/c you can go fast and slow while being really stable. You should definitley get some BEAR grizzlies on it though; I had crails and randal DH's and they just couldn't turn.

Support the local companies!!!

2008 October 17 3:12 PM

greasy gram replied,

10mm!!! they'lle last

2008 October 17 3:52 PM