
Who's Got skillz?

CVmack posted,

I'm looking for someone with MAD computer skills. Website design skills to be exact.In case you don't already know,
TEAM REDEYEZ is a longboarding Team based in Courtenay BC, Vancouver Island. AND WE NEED A WEBSITE!!! And we want it quick fast!!!! Our Friends at ONETHIRTYTHREE Is gunna hook us up with a domain, and ya'know... whatever else we need to get the site going! Including a complete, and swag and stuff for whomever is willing and able to help. Maybe $$$ I Dunno, we can talk.

SO PLEASE!!! Lemme know.


2008 October 30 4:49 AM

brian in chiliwkc replied,

i'm pritty good with sheet metal . i can build a nice alum. case to go around your computer . but it'll cost you alot

2008 October 30 9:34 AM

julia replied,

gimme a shout and we'll chat ;)

2008 October 30 10:45 AM