
Who's going to Bonelli?

Venom Zak posted,

I just booked my flight. The whole ColoRADo crew will be there. Any Canadians coming down?

2008 November 1 11:22 PM

aaron afro replied,

I'm gonna be down there Friday thru
Sunday for the race, I'm down to skate
any closed roads.
I've had a hard time skating any open
shit after what happened with Peter.

2008 November 4 12:05 AM

aaron afro replied,

Georges had to back out for Bonelli, so
I need a RIDE!! I need to be back in
the bay before monday morning, if
anyone's coming through the bay going
south, let me know ASAP!!

2008 November 5 11:58 PM

Gotham replied,

hey im going to bonelli igsa race and i need directions to the camp site and the actual race if any of u guys can hook me up w/ that email me

2008 November 6 9:54 PM