
New Evo's Cracking

Scott posted,

Alot of people a know have been having this happen to them with the new Evo's.

My Evo is three weeks old and this is what is happening....

It's really pissing me off. Anybody know if Landyachtz will give you a new one or some shit if it's falling apart this quick?

2008 November 18 1:34 AM

Scott replied,

Lol FUCK! Wrong link guys, sorry!

There's the real one xD

2008 November 18 1:38 AM


intead of bitching about it on your computer why dont you phone them, im sure theyll help you out. their number is on the website.

2008 November 18 1:39 AM


the board also looks pretty abused, take care of your shit...

2008 November 18 1:41 AM

marc mar replied,

i doubt that an evo would just fall apart just like that. looks like a beaver came over and decided to eat some maplee

2008 November 18 2:26 AM

fakpan replied,

rock something metal, that shit will cut you bad and never break

2008 November 18 3:59 AM

phil - the OMGWTFBBQ replied,

Give them a call.


Boards are not indestructible.

2008 November 18 3:00 PM

MacNeil replied,

I go to skool with these people that have their boards
cracking and they dont crash into them, ride em in the
rain much and there top 2 plys and the laminate plys
are cracking

2008 November 18 3:34 PM

Ljr replied,

ahhaah good call blankman

2008 November 19 12:03 AM

phil replied,

they do make indestructible boards,

2008 November 19 8:04 PM

Connor Loren replied,

I shredded my EVO so hard in the water, snow and
rocks. It stayed solid! I ran it into countless things
and one time decided to throw it across the
intersection of my street. Crashed at 45 MPH + with
the thing and all I had were a few dings. Than the
Maryhill Uhaul truck ran over it. Broke the poor
thing in two pieces :(

It was a sad day but the only veihicle I have ever
heard breaking an EVO was a huge mother f*@KiN
Uhaul. Luckily John Ozman the nice man he is sent
me a free one.

Thanks John

But yeah Landyachtz Ride tough and will break only
under extreme conditions like a Uhaul haha

2008 November 22 11:12 PM

Meatball replied,

PLEASE STOP POSTING HERE. The title of this thread is accidental slander. I have talked to Scott and everything is fine. It seems most of the people on this thread are very happy with the durability of their boards. The title of this thread is unjust so let it die.

2008 November 24 1:35 PM