
Femur Fuck HD

Charlie posted,

2008 November 26 11:34 AM

Yann replied,

Shiiiit! That's a solid one! With the car coming up, there was not much room left. That crash was really bad timing. Both you guys could have died on this one. Did the guy in the red car stopped? Did you hit his car with the board flying across the road? Ride safe...

2008 November 26 11:54 AM

off axis replied,

really, 90 plus eh....sure looks like a 80 max hill to these eyes. sorry to see a harsh bail. what happened, why did he sketch out...

2008 November 27 3:17 AM


fastest hill, besides the one in or outside of
quebec,., Les Eboulements.

also i noticed on some bike forums and other
research that that hill isnt the only massive one out
there. apparently there's several hills all around that

east coast what.

2008 December 13 4:30 PM