
4th AnnuaL ToYs For KidS -This Wednesday

Dan Pape posted,

Hey Coast,

I'm not sure if I'm going to make it with some utmost important baby/family obligations. It would so rad if our community can pull together and make this year the largest Toy RUn FOr Kids YET!!!!

LY the whole team, RAYNE the whole team, COAST & all the riders, Switchback boys!!! Let's show the world we are good crew of people by coming together as one big team. In the past we've had great supporters (up to 30 people) bring a $5 TOY for some less fortunate children.

I've been blessed my whole life with luxuries, food and toys being provided to me at Christmas by loved ones. There are plenty of children out there that are lucky if they get even 1 toy. 30+ people makes all the difference to 30+ Kids!

DECEMBER 10th! I'll be there if it's even remotely possible!!!

2008 December 4 7:03 PM

Check out this COAST VIDEO replied,

2008 December 4 7:13 PM

Dan Pape replied,

Does later work better Strike? We should get a head count

2008 December 5 4:43 AM

phil - the OMGWTFBBQ replied,

We need a time Dan!

2008 December 9 10:09 PM