
Hot Heels Africa

IGSA posted,

Kogelburg, South Africa - Today practice got underway for Hot Heels Africa. The race has been in existence since December 2003 and is the longest running event on the IGSA Schedule. The event is run in the beautiful Kogelberg Biosphere nature reserve an hours drive from Cape Town. It’s the last IGSA World Cup Series event of the 2008 season is hosted by S.A.G.R.A (South African Gravity Racing Association).

The day started in the usual way at Hot Heels, clearing up wrecked hay bales and hay all over the track thanks to the attentions of the baboons! The regular team of Hot Heels marshals have had plenty of practice at this and did their usual efficient job! Luckily the baboons only showed up again for a short while around lunch. Otherwise it was registration, tech inspections by Eimer and lots of practice runs.

For the complete story go to

2008 December 5 8:14 PM