

Spector posted,

Rippingest run ever:

2008 December 9 2:12 AM

Micah Green SLC replied,

FUCK YEAH!!! i was right behind him watching this go down!!

2008 December 9 2:37 AM

phil - the OMGWTFBBQ replied,


2008 December 9 2:40 AM

tynanEGG replied,


2008 December 9 2:43 AM

spencer replied,

hey micah, so wen will the details be out about this
race? as far as entry fee, is igsa involved wats the
weather usaully like in september there, is there gona
be a website for the race, etc? thanx man, and that
looks hella sick, also wat are top speeds/grade?

2008 December 9 11:48 PM

Kaleb replied,

Micah and Connor...NW is coming down for this!!!
Squaw looks hella dope!

2008 December 9 11:51 PM

Kaleb replied,

Brady a little derogatory no....

as for blowing the location I can understand since I
experience this commonly in my local skate
community...but as long as your respectful and skate
smart with precautions, it should be skateable in the
near future.

2008 December 10 2:21 AM

One-Eye replied,

Rad video !!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008 December 10 7:23 PM

chewBACA replied,

2008 December 22 9:11 PM