
Arizona to Montana '09

Reece Man posted,

In June I'm gonna be moving from Arizona to Kalispell, Montana for college. I'm driving up with a few of my friends to hit every hill along the way! I'm going to be looking for sponsors to help out with gear, gas, and food. We're gonna be stopping in all cities along the way to find skateboarders and spread the stoke and hopefully spread the word about safe and smart skating! If you guys wanna skate with us we'll be going from Arizona through Salt Lake City, UT then up through Wyoming, then across Montana. I'm going to have a wrap made for my truck so we can advertise all the sponsors involved in making this possible. So excited! Come ride with us!

If there are any builders or companies that want to donate a board or some gear so we can get your name out there please contact me.

2008 December 17 5:36 PM

jman replied,

I want to come alongg. Try calling Stacey the owner of Rural Skateshop in Queen Creek. He might be able to help out.

2008 December 17 9:29 PM