
Assholes downunder

Jacko posted,

i'd like to bring forward a couple of things to the
longboarding community, and i want the coast
longboarders to tell these wankers just what longboarding
is all about...

There has been some speculation down under about some
of us riding a hill in South Australia. I went down there a
few weeks ago to sample some of the best hills in oz, and
put up a few vids... i inspired the locals to push it harder
and take one of the hills from the very top (its not a hard
hill but still progression is key) and this has sparked
media attention...
Here is the news report:

Now this isnt the main point, there was another video that
was posted up of the hill, which can be found here:
Take a look at the comments being made by people, there
are numerous threats of the locals running dudes off the
road with their 4x4s and what not...
What im asking are people who are really active in the
scene to tell these farkers to shut the hell up. They
obviously have no idea about longboarding and it would
be good if people who have been engaged in the scene
for a long time who have alot of experience to just shed
some light upon these assholes and let em know they are
a bunch of rev-head wankers who need to piss off... Our
small community of longboarders is growing really rapidly
but im afraid we dont have much guidance and the noobs
dont really know how to handle heavy situations when it
comes to media and idiots on the road

2008 December 17 10:00 PM

Jacko replied,

i guess what im trying to say is we havent had
anything negative come from longboarding before
in the past, but that comes when the sport grows...
we are still growing down here and this is going to
keep happening. It would be good to get some help
from a community who is growing rapidly (and
pretty much taking over the world, through racing
and in media) and let people know how to deal with
these situations before shit gets out of hand...
There is a big discussion going on about this on and it is one of those
things blowing completely out of hand

2008 December 17 10:12 PM

Mercado replied,

We deal with the same fuckers here in LA. Check out
some of our GMR videos on you tube and you will see
similar comments. However no one ever came thru
with there threats.... and the only people who do
hassle us are COPS. For the most part everyone from
motorcyclists to bicyclist love our show. So my advice
is keep doing what your doing, I guarantee those
rednecks and there idle threats will never come true.

2008 December 17 10:18 PM

Jacko replied,

Good to get some feedback on this issue... It will
always be a concern in our community of 'who is in
the wrong' when it comes to this sort of things but
when people start to really use their heads
problems can be solved in a more realistic way i
guess... Sometimes its just a bit hard to deal with it
when the community is still growing, and haven't
been faced with problems like these before... But
thanks for the advice and ill be sure to pass it on to
the crew down here... If anyone else has any more
words on situations like this, be it past experiences
or words of wisdom, please share it. I feel its a
topic that needs to really be looked at and helped

Here are those links:
News report:

Video of us riding (read the comments):

2008 December 18 11:03 PM

Jacko replied,

ok those links still dont work...?
search youtube for: 'Adelaide daredevils are BORN' for
the news story

search youtube for: 'POV of Old Willunga Hill' for the
vid of the run

2008 December 18 11:07 PM