
vegan leathers

Aaron M. posted,

hey, so i am vegan and i want to support my lifestyle, but i also wanna get into races which demand leathers, anyone know what i could do??

2008 December 31 12:16 AM

nick780 replied,

You can buy full kevlar suits.

Just don't fall, or you'll need a new one pretty quick.

2008 December 31 12:26 AM

qbert replied,

talk to ross from calgary, he'll hook you up (but they're pricey)

2008 December 31 12:55 AM

fakpan replied,

you could likely gather a full suit of armor for under the price of a cheap suit.
try full shin/knee and arm plates maybe some homemade shredding pants with padding/pucks

2008 December 31 5:16 AM

Tripped replied,

Alpinestars makes a really quality upper body armor thing including spine protector, shoulder padding, chest padding, as well as elbow and forearm. You could then pair that up with a set of leg armors and some sort of crash shorts.

Alpinestars is expensive, but very lightweight/breathable and definitely meant for high speed slides on cement. You could probably get mountainbiking armor for cheaper but I haven't seen anything that appealed to me as much as the motorcycle stuff.

2008 December 31 6:19 AM

tomes replied,

As a vegan, could you buy a second hand suit? None of your money would be going to to the people who actually kill and process the cows. You'd still be wearing skin... but it is better than anything else out there.

2008 December 31 2:34 PM

Janet from Nanaimoo replied,

Aaron i got the same problem
you could try and borrow or something for ISGA races
but i know i'm not stoked for wearing cow skins. hahaha
it Would be recycling it if you bought second hand, but unless the guy's gone cripple the money's probably towards annother suit
up to your disgression

2009 January 2 2:01 PM

andrew...elphinstone, replied,

buy leather made out of an animal that has died from natural causes, but if your living the vegan lifstyle, you relize that the wheels made from oil which is from raping the land and i have oh so many things to say but i won't, buy second hand ....

2009 January 2 11:19 PM

kate or die replied,

the alternatives have already been listed, and i personally like the mention of the kevlar suit with slide pucks, or whatever protection for that matter in locations that are more than likely to get hit in a high speed fall. (your hip bone, your back knee, maybe a super thin layer of plastic that is flexible along the back/tailbone and the breast/chest)

i obviously ride in leathers, and they have saved my ass on many occasions. kevlar is ment to take high speed falls...but will definatley take less of them. in the end you will end up spending sooo much more of your time and money trying to keep yourself safe that you may question if it is worth it.

the problem with using an animal that died of natural causes only comes in if you dont have the money to pay for the entire process. you will have to pay for the transport of the animal to get sent to a place and have it stripped in a humaine way at a place of your choice, then for the hyde to get properly processed you will need to pay another person of your choice...and then you will have to pay whoever is going to make the suit. it will get pricey, but it may suit your needs.

who knows, if there are enough of you vegans out there that do think passionatley about this subject...maybe you can pool together and use your resources to find a community of farmers that are willing to donate the hydes or bodies of animals that pass from natural cuases (or provide them at a very basic cost) and start a line of racing leathers that are indeed up to your standards AND offer you the protection that you cannot deny yourself. if you can set something like that up, you may have something for yourself. im sure you could find a leather maker that supports your cause and wouldnt mind using the leather that you provide, as long as their end of the deal gets taken care of as well...

sometimes there are roadblocks when you choose to live a lifestyle that requires you to make tough decisions, but if you guys work together, i am sure you will be able to come up with a solution that suits all your needs. who knows, maybe if you can organize a process like i mentioned above...maybe you can influence people to make the switch to buying leathers that were processed completley by people who took the proper care, and benifit from the protection leather offers...knowing it came from an animal that lived its life to the fullest!

good luck!!!

2009 January 3 7:15 PM


I guess Kevlar is the way to go if you dont fall often.

All Vegans stay strong and remmember that Meatheads are very susceptible to Epidemics and most affliction due to a weak immune system caused by GMO meat and rotting flesh in their intestines.

2009 January 6 1:42 PM

andrew...elphinstone, replied,

can i get a suit made out of vegans, all that grain feed skin has to do i just want leathers right now, i don't care what there made of...well except the leather part....i think we should put cows on longboards, a movement of mooin' murauders a wholenew class,

2009 January 7 11:58 AM


dont you DARE support any fuel powered transit system or drive a car.
you wont eat meat and thats because you feel its fucked, an imbalanced way to feed oneself.
i feel that vegans most of the time are inflicting weakness upon themselves,
not by choosing not to eat meat but by explaining their 'form of pure living'
you know what? everything you ever did was just as relevant to anything you ever will do and its all a pile of energy condensed to a slow vibration.
the options are out there,
dont kid yourself.
borrow a suit, get a second hand one, make a suit out of durable as fuck hemp.

so long as your own empowerment keeps you happy dont call someone a meathead.
thats merely an egotistical function that really does no good for animal cruelty

2009 January 7 6:39 PM

Liam Fourie replied,

I recently met someone that is vegan.. he pointed out to me that he was wearing "Vegetarian Leather" shoes.. I was like "oh immitation leather". He soon corected me in saying it is breathable and has very much the same traits as leather. I recently became aware of an old friend that is working on a ship for an organisation called the Sea Sheppard. She put me onto this documentary.. the truth truly does hurt.. In this you will see that the leather we use for garments are mostly not made from cows that we eat.. as this leather is obviously not dense enough for use in garments. It also points out the seriously toxic and environmentaly harmfull chemicals used to treat leather. I believe every person in this world should be aware of this and all the other industries either trading in or using animals in any way...

I still believe leather is the best for what we do.. but this had helped me appreciate the plight of vegans and there values. Just appreciate that some animal suffered alot to bring you the milk in your morning coffe,that burger you ate for lunch,you leather suit,etc.

Please don't hate on this message.. just watch the documentary if you have the time (or the stomach) to deal with the reality our selfish existence..

2009 March 16 11:35 AM