
Noob Question, Bear 852's

Tripped posted,

yo, I've flipped my hanger on my bear trucks so many times that I can't remember which way is which!

Which side of the hanger is supposed to point outwards for bombing hills? the recessed side or the shallow side? also, do I want to do it on both the front and rear trucks, or just the front one?

2008 December 31 4:31 PM

Tripped replied,

oh ya, gonna be setting them up with black jim/z's on my landyachtz drop speed if that makes any difference.

2008 December 31 4:34 PM

phil - the OMGWTFBBQ replied,

The recessed side should be the side that's facing inward and the lesser side out.

If you do one flipped in the front and one unflipped, you'll get better turning in front but you can't go wrong with doing it on both trucks!

2008 December 31 4:48 PM

Erik replied,

-for bombing the shallow side should face out and the deep side in
-for carving etc. the deep side should be facing out and shallow side in

2008 December 31 7:55 PM