

point posted,

Sometime between ten and eleven tonight, in the midst of
some decent flurries, someone smashed the window of
my jeep up on Chilliwack mountain, on grandview, and
snagged my ipod whilst I was having pie with my
grandma a short distance away. I'm pretty choked, mostly
cuz it's just been a crappy week (my grandpa fell on the
ice a few days ago, cracked his head open, and probably
isn't going to pull through [WEAR YOUR HELMET]) but also
because now I have to go for days now with no music, as
well as make the drive back to victoria with a garbage bag
for a driver's side window. The highway past abbotsford
ought to be especially fun... The weather's been real nice

Okay, that's the end of my bitching... The short of it is, if
any of you fine Chilliwack longboarders encounter some
douchebag-looking fuck trying to sell you a 30 gig black
ipod classic, could you please do me a favour and punch
them in the face, grab it, and run? That'd be real nice.

2009 January 4 3:14 AM

chris replied,

man that is weak... elbow to the face for sure if I come across that fuckballer

2009 January 4 3:31 AM