
[vid] The Pump Station

whacko jacko posted,

does anyone know how to embed vids from vimeo onto this

2009 January 11 1:56 AM

micah-SLC replied,

The Pump Station from Jackson Shapiera on Vimeo.

2009 January 11 2:12 AM

Jacko replied,

Up in the blue mountains, about an hours drive
from sydney... the best part about this road is there
are no cars... ever. Its completley shut off to all
traffic, so the downside is you have to walk back
up, but then again on the upside again there are
two sides to the hill (like a valley) one side is nice
and techy and the other side is just steep and
straight (about 85k's) so the faster you go down
one side the less distance you have to walk up the

2009 January 11 10:09 PM