
Boycott Youtube

zbat posted,

To all video makers/editors/up loaders out there, boycott youtube.

First, the quality is shit, i uploaded the same video on youtube, then i uploaded it on Vimeo and there was clearly a major difference in the image quality of both. Second, is fuckin copyright sensorship. Since youtube got sold for hunderds of millions of dollars, they are trying to find someway to alter the website in a way to use OUR CONTENT TO MAKE MONEY FOR THEMSELVES AND FOR THEIR CORPORATE SPONSORS. I see nothing wrong with that, its their right to pan gold from the river. But what does bother me is when i get an email from youtube telling me they pulled one of my videos off the site for using a song which i did not have the rights to. Im not using this song to make money from it, if anything, its free advertising for that band!

Youtube was huge sensation when it started cause it was one of the first major USER GENERATED video websites. But then it sold out, i cant blame the guys who sold it cause they got paid a shit ton of money. What i can do is stop uploading videos onto Youtube. There are many other USER GENERATED SITES out now that allow us to SHARE our content without fear of copyright infringement in H DEEEEE too!

2009 January 19 10:08 AM

fakpan replied,

everywhere i go vimeo is that laggiest shit ever

2009 January 20 4:39 AM