
Carts of Darkness online

Nick780 posted,

A few people were excited when the trailer came out. Here's the full thing:

The National Film Board released about 600 films online. There's a handful of gems on there.

2009 January 27 1:25 PM

off axis replied,

this has been out for a LONG TIME, but thanx, rad video dude

2009 January 27 2:56 PM

Misha replied,

Good watch I've been wanting to give that a view for quiet awhile.

2009 January 27 3:30 PM

Shello replied,

Good flick forsure ill be sharing this with quite a few friends. Cant believe he did cypress lol, the part that really stood out for me was when Murray got in the cart with Al.

2009 January 28 2:00 PM