
skating and depression

postmodern posted,

i've been having a sad couple of months lately.
I find that there are so many reasons to be depressed.
But there's always one good reason to be happy: skateboarding

whether it's landing a new trick on a shortboard or ripping east van alleys on a longboard, what is it about standing on a rolling piece of wood that cures depression quicker than any chemical solution?

and the like-minded people you meet along the way are beautiful too. I've made instant friends more genuine than lifetime aquaintances, just because we share a mutual passion and outlook on life that is so rare in other segments of "society".

just felt like sharing my insights

2009 February 4 4:10 PM


how metaphorical.

life is a metaphor.
fuck it.

2009 February 5 6:59 AM

gnarly gnorm replied,

whens you gets pissed off takes that shit out ons your wheels man, theyre likes a punching bag. finds a straight steep hill and do a straight colemans alls the way down destroying 4 perfectly good skate wheels. thatll teach thems. whens you get sad hit the same hill ons a longboard in a speed tuck. DONT CRY TEARS OF SADNESS CRY TEARS OF SPEED!!!

2009 February 5 10:40 PM

Stones replied,

You know whats the best cure for that always works for me.....A bong rip and a 50+ hill. Hollistic medicine for the soul

2009 February 9 9:47 PM

T-REV replied,

As a response to the original post, hell yeah skateboarding is the best anti-depressant. Back when I saw my shrink on a regular basis she told me about a speech she heard at a psychiatry convention where the speaker actually used "longboarding" as an example of "extreme sport thereapy" (or something similair)
I cant remember all the technical mumbojumbo but the jist of it was the adrenaline released while skateboarding positvely affects depression cases with stronger results than most medication.

Dont mope, skate!

2009 February 9 11:11 PM